The Rufus Steele Adventure Series
The first in a series, Rufus Steele 1938 is the story of a rural doctor who arrives in Friendsville, MD in 1938 to practice medicine in this small farming community. He meets 14-year-old Henry Murphy, and together they experience the exhilarations and dangers of depression life. Mysterious and courageous, Dr. Rufus Steele proves to be a powerful ally to Henry and his brothers. Strong bonds develop among them, but larger questions remain. Who is Rufus Steele? Why did he come to Friendsville? and How long will he stay?
Language: English
Page length: 123 pages
Age levels: 8 to adult
List price: $7.00
“…an adventure mystery set in Maryland’s rural town of Friendsville that will intrigue and enlighten young readers … Turner’s descriptive writing is authentic of the region’s natural beauty and the goodness of the people; then and now!”
“If you are looking to find chapter books for your sophisticated reader, The Rufus Steele Series is a must read. Students will love the friendly characters and country setting. The scenarios that young Henry and his brothers find themselves in lend readers an insight to growing up in a small town. If everyone could have a role model like Rufus Steele, the world would be a better place.”
Second book in a series, a mysterious stranger from the past arrives to haunt Dr. Rufus Steele. In 1940, Dr. Steele loves his life in Friendsville. This small farming community, with its tight-knit group of friends and neighbors, has become a safe haven for the doctor with a troubled past. Dr. Steele spends his days taking care of Friendsville’s citizens and often joins his neighbors in their efforts to save young Jim Murphy and his friends from boyhood’s perils. But a dark stranger–a portent of evil–has arrived in Friendsville, and Dr. Steele must face his past head on. He is not alone. Friends and neighbors join together and help him put the past to rest for good.
Language: English
Page length: 145 pages
Age levels: 8 to adult
List price: $7.00
“…the author’s descriptions are particularly well written, and readers will have no trouble immersing their imaginations in the lushness of her words.” —ForeWord Clarion Review
“I ordered this book for my grandchildren. I read the book myself and loved it. My grandchildren loved the book and have both read Rufus Steele 1939 and Small Black Boxes by the same author. I plan to keep purchasing the series.”
The latest in a series. The year is 1943 and the Allies are fighting their way through German-occupied Italy. As bombs fall and bullets fly, Captain Rufus Steele, MD, is a surgeon working to save lives on the front lines. Steele has faced down danger before in his life, but when his young friend PFC Henry Murphy goes missing in enemy territory, Steele must risk everything to come to his rescue. Will it be too late? Will Steele be forced to fight after he swore he’d never take up arms again? Will the two men survive to see their beloved Friendsville once more?
Co-authored by a veteran of the Italian campaign, World War II comes to life in vivid detail.
Language: English
Page length: 176 pages
Age levels: 8 to adult
List price: $7.00
*Finalist: Foreword Book of the Year 2011
“Rufus Steele 1943 is riveting! Page to page reveals memorable characters, picturesque scenes and engaging events as S.C. Turner’s and Warren W Teets’ intriguing story unfolds. I never expected to be so engrossed in a tale about WWII. Once I stepped into the story I could not put it down.
Every reader in my extended family prizes his collection of Rufus Steele 1938, 1940 and 1943. All librarians looking to grow the readership of boys in middle and high school will want these books on their shelves. The third in this adventure series is my favorite, so far!”